2025-02 The Green Room
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As a company Ethical Investment Advisers (EIA) likes to walk the talk.
We actively engage in the communities around us through partnerships, donations and initiatives. Environmental projects include Cubberla-Witton Catchments Network tree planting, Queensland Conservation Council and Australian Conservation Foundation.
Ethical Investment Advisers creates change through engagement with non-government organisations (NGOs), investment managers, companies and research providers. We participate in shareholder activism and company AGM’s.
Market Forces work with the community to prevent investment in projects by institutions that would harm the environment and drive global warming.
To that end EIA has made a donation to the Bush Heritage Australia (BHA) to help it buy land with high conservation values and then to look after that land. BHA now has almost 1 million hectares of land purchased and being protected.
BHA also has partnerships with other landowners who want to preserve the environmental values of their land and this represents another 2.5 million hectares of land under protection.
Yalari is providing scholarships to Indigenous children to study at leading Australian boarding schools.
Indigenous Literacy Foundation
The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit founded in 2011 that works to address the educational disadvantages faced by Indigenous Australian children and young people by providing access to books and literacy programs.
Cubberla-Witton Catchments Network
(CWCN) was established in 1999 as a volunteer organization focused on the re-establishment and maintenance of ecologically healthy catchments. EIA have donated in total 1,000 trees to Cubberla-Witton as part of Ethical Investment Week.
Queensland Conservation Council
QCC works with conservationists across the state by advocating solutions to government, engaging with the community and informing through the media, to holg government and companies to account for keeping their environmental commitments and ensuring their activities don’t damage nature or the climate.